Sinopsis Drama The First Responders (2022):
The First Responders mengisahkan tentang detektif Jin Ho Gae yang dikenal sengit dan memiliki tugas menangkap orang-orang rendahan. Ia memecahkan kasus dengan kemampuannya yang sangat baik terutama demi memahami TKP dengan kecerdasannya.
Kemudian bergabung dengannya, petugas pemadam kebakaran yang tak kenal takut, Bong Do Jin, yang tampak dingin di luar. Selain kedua orang tersebut, ada Song Seol, seorang paramedis dengan empati yang tinggi dan bisa mengembalikan mood.
Drama: The First Responders/ 소방서 옆 경찰서
Genres: Action, Thriller, Drama
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 12
Airs: Nov 11, 2022 – Dec 17, 2022
Airs On: Friday, Saturday
Original Network: SBS
Duration: 60 min.
Genres: Drama
Pemeran Utama
Kim Rae Won sebagai Jin Ho Gae
Son Ho Jun sebagai Bong Do Jin
Gong Seung Yeon sebagai Song Seol
Pemeran Pendukung
Jung Jin Woo sebagai Choi Ki Soo
Lee Jung Hun
Ji Woo sebagai Bong An Na
Jung Sang Hoon
Kang Gi Doong sebagai Gong Myeong Pil
Moon Won Ju
Son Ji Yoon sebagai Yoon Hong
Woo Mi Hwa sebagai Dok Go Soon
Download Drama Korea The First Responders Subtitle Indonesia
Source & Encoder
ñòdrâkör.com, Dramaencode.xyz, Koreansubindo.net
Episode 1
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Streamare | Hxfile | Racaty | HexUp | Krakenfiles
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Streamlre | Hxfile | Racaty | HexUp | Krakenfiles
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Streamlre | Hxfile | Racaty | HexUp | Krakenfiles
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Streamlre | Hxfile | Racaty | HexUp | Krakenfiles
540p (Raw): Uptobox | KrakenFiles | Mediaaafire | Safefile | HXfile | Pixeldrain | Zippyshare | Mirror
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 2
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Krakfiles | Pixelin | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Krakfiles | Pixelin | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Krakfiles | Pixelin | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Krakfiles | Pixelin | Streaming
540p(Raw): Uptobox | KrakenFiles | Mediaaafire | Safefile | Hxfile | Pixeldrain | Zippyshare | Mirror
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 3
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Streamlare | Hxfile | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Streamlare | Hxfile | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Streamlare | Hxfile | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Streamlare | Hxfile | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
540p(Raw): Uptobox | KrakenFiles | Mediaaafire | Safefile | Hxfile | Pixeldrain | Zippyshare | Mirror
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 4
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | StreamSB | Hxfile | Racaty | HexUp | Krakenfiles
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | StreamSB | Hxfile | Racaty | HexUp | Krakenfiles
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | StreamSB | Hxfile | Racaty | HexUp | Krakenfiles
540p (RAW): Zipyshare | GDrive | Mediafire | Hxfile | Mp4upd | Racaty | Mirror | Krafiles | Streming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 5
360p (Hardsub Indo): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesfm | MP4upload | Zippyshare | Streamlare | Krakenfiles | Uptobox | Hxfile | MediaFire | Racaty | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | Sendcm | GDrive | Stremlare | Hxfile | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | Sendcm | GDrive | Stremlare | Hxfile | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
540p (RAW): Zipyshare | GDrive | Mediafire | Hxfile | Mp4upd | Racaty | Mirror |Krafiles | Streming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 6
360p (Hardsub Indo): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesfm | MP4upload | Zippyshare | Streamlare | Krakenfiles | Uptobox | Hxfile | MediaFire | Racaty | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Stream | HXfile | FileMoon | HexUp | Krakenfiles
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Stream | HXfile | FileMoon | HexUp | Krakenfiles
540p (RAW): Zipyshare | GDrive | Mediafire | Hxfile | Mp4upd | Racaty | Mirror |Krafiles | Streming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 7
360p (Hardsub Indo): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesfm | MP4upload | Zippyshare | Streamlare | Krakenfiles | Uptobox | Hxfile | MediaFire | Racaty | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Krakfiles | Pixelin | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Krakfiles | Pixelin | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Krakfiles | Pixelin | Streaming
540p (RAW): Zipyshare | GDrive | Mediafire | Hxfile | Mp4upd | Racaty | Mirror |Krafiles | Streming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 8
360p (Hardsub Indo): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesfm | MP4upload | Zippyshare | Streamlare | Krakenfiles | Uptobox | Hxfile | MediaFire | Racaty | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Stream | Hxfile | Racaty | FileMoon | Krakenfiles
720p (Hardsub Indo): Hella | GDrive | Streaam | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | FileMoon | Krakenfiles
540p (RAW): Zipyshare | GDrive | Mediafire | Hxfile | Mp4upd | Racaty | Mirror |Krafiles | Streming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 9
360p (Hardsub Indo): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesfm | MP4upload | Zippyshare | Streamlare | Krakenfiles | Uptobox | Hxfile | MediaFire | Racaty | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Krakfiles | Pixelin | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Krakfiles | Pixelin | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Krakfiles | Pixelin | Streaming
1080p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremlre| Hxfile | Racaty | Krafiles | Pixelin | Streaming
Episode 10
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Streamlare | Hxfile | Racaty | Send | Krakenfiles
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Streamlare | Hxfile | Racaty | Send | Krakenfiles
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Streamlare | Hxfile | Racaty | Send | Krakenfiles
540p(Raw) : Uptobox | KFiles | Mediafire | Safefileku | Filemoon | Hxfile | Zipyshare | Send | Mirror
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 11
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Streamlare | Hxfile | Racaty | Send | Krakenfiles
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Streamlare | Hxfile | Racaty | Send | Krakenfiles
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Streamlare | Hxfile | Racaty | Send | Krakenfiles
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Hella | GDrive | Streamlare | Hxfile | Racaty | Send | Krakenfiles
Episode 12 END
360p (Hardsub Indo): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesfm | MP4upload | Zippyshare | Streamlare | Krakenfiles | Uptobox | Hxfile | MediaFire | Racaty | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Krakfiles | Pixelin | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Krakfiles | Pixelin | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Krakfiles | Pixelin | Streaming
Jadwal tayang JU’MAT & SABTU malam di Korea.
Endingnya kok macam begini ya 😨,apakah berlanjut
Apakah yakin selesai di eppisode 12,di lihat jalan cerita nya itu belum selesai masih ada lanjutan nya
Kak, ini tayangnya seminggu sekali to ka?
Eps 5 dong min 🤗
Ini seminggu sekali tayang ya min pdhal seru notonya soalny tipe jagoan takut hantu😅🤭
Episode 2 kapan min?
Min eps 2 nya blm ada ya min? Seru nih dramanya.
eps 1 nya lumayan ngeri ya 🙂 lumayan kejam, ngilu piso sama darah. klw yg ga nyaman sama hal begitu, lebih baik jangan ditonton
coba Voice.
team golden time
Dari eps 1-9 kesimpulannya adalah. Jangan nonton drama ini sambil makan.