Sinopsis Drama The Killing Vote (2023):
The Killing Vote merupakan drama bergenre thriller dan misteri, berkisah tentang penjahat keji yang menghindari hukuman.
Suatu hari, muncul Dog Mask atau orang dengan masker anjing yang identitasnya tidak diketahui siapa pun. Dia mengirim pesan singkat ke semua warga berusia di atas 18 tahun dan bertanya apakah penjahat harus menerima hukuman mati. Jika lebih dari 50% mendukung hukuman mati, Dog Mask akan bekerja membunuh penjahat-penjahat tersebut.
Di lain sisi, investigasi mulai dilakukan oleh kepolisian yang dipimpin oleh kepala tim investigasi pertama dari Badan Kepolisian Selatan, Kim Moo Chan. Moo Chan merupakan pria yang penuh ambisi dan hanya peduli dengan kemajuan kariernya di kantor polisi. Ada pula Joo Hyun, petugas polisi yang telah bekerja di biro keamanan cyber di Badan Kepolisian Metropolitan Seoul selama 5 tahun.
Sementara itu, dikisahkan juga seorang sarjana hukum terkenal bernama Kwon Seok Joo. Namun, kini ia dipenjara karena membunuh sekaligus memerkosa putrinya yang masih kecil. Saat itu, ia langsung menyerahkan diri ke polisi.
Drama: The Killing Vote/ 국민사형투표
Also Known As: Gukminsahyeongtupyo , National Death Penalty Vote
Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Horror
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 12
Aired: Aug 10, 2023 – Oct 19, 2023
Aired On: Thursday
Original Network: SBS
Main Cast
Park Hae Jin sebagai Kim Moo Chan (mid 30s)
Park Sung Woong sebagai Kwon Suk Joo (early 40s)
Im Ji Yun sebagai Joo Hyun (late 20s)
Download Drama Korea The Killing Vote Subtitle Indonesia
Source & Encoder
No-drak-or.xyz, Dramaencode.art, Koreansubindo.net
Episode 1
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Hexup | GDrive | Uptobox | Zippyshare | Gett | Upstream | Pixelrain | Mp4upload | SendCM | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Krakefiles | GDrive | Zipyshare | Upstrem | Pixel | Bayfiles | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Krakefiles | GDrive | Zipyshare | Upstrem | Pixel | Bayfiles | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Krakefiles | GDrive | Zipyshare | Upstrem | Pixel | Bayfiles | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | Mediafire | Senndcm | Upstream | Hexupload | KrakenFiles | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 2
360p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | Upstream | StreamWS | Krakenfiles | PixelDrain | SendCM | FileLion | MegaUp | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE| Upstream | Krakenfiles | PixelDrain | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE| Upstream | Krakenfiles | PixelDrain | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | Mediafire | Sendcm | Upstream | Hexupload | KrakenFiles | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episodes 3
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Hexupload | Uptobox | Upstream | Mp4uplod | Sendcm | GDrive | GETT | PixelDrain | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | Mediafire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Krakenfiles | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episodes 4
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Hexupload | Uptobox | Upstream | Mp4uplod | Send | Google Drive | MegaUp | PixelDrain | Mirror | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | Mediafire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Krakenfiles | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episodes 5
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Hexupload | Uptobox | Upstream | Send | TeraBox | GDrive | GETT | PixelDrain | Streamws | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediFfire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | HexupLoad | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episodes 6
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Hexupload | Uptobox | Upstream | Send | TeraBox | HellaBYTE | Google Drive | QIWI | PixelDrain | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MeediaFire | Sendcm | Upstream | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 7
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Qiwi | Upstream | Send | TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GETT | Upstream | PixelDrain | FileLion | Gogle Drive | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | Mediafire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 8
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Gofile | MegaUp | Mixdrop | Upstream | Sendcm | TeraBox | HellaBY | GDrive | Mirror | Filelions | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 9
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Gofile | MegaUp | Gett.us | Upstream | SendCM | TeraBox | HellaBY | Mirror | Filelions | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 10
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Mixdrop | Gofile | MegaUp | Gett.us | Upstream | SendCM | TeraBox | HellaBY | Mirrored | Filelions | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 11
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Mixdrop | Gofile | MegaUp | Gett.us | Upstream | SendCM | TeraBox | HellaBY | Mirrored | Filelions | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Seendcm | Upstream | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 12 END
3360p (HARDSUB INDO): Krakenfiles | Mediaafire | Luluvdo | Upstream | SendCM | Vembed | Google Drive | Goofile | MegaUp | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Send | Luluvdo | Upstream | GDrive | MegaUp | Streaming
720p (RAW): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Send | Luluvdo | Upstream | GDrive | MegaUp | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Jadwal tayang setiap pada hari KAMIS di Korea.
makasi min, capek banget aku nunggunya huhuhu
episode 12 nya mimin sayang.. the last
Episode 12 blm ada kah min
Eppisode 11 baru subtitle nya aja
ep 11 kok lama bgt y???? :((
Min, epi 8 kok nggak update siiih
Mending kl tyg langsung 2 ep nah ini cm 1x sminggu eh ep 8 nya gk nongil2
Lama bgt dh 2 minggu gk keluar ep 8 nya
Eps 8nya ng’k keluar2
Manaaa episode 8?
Epesode 8 ga rilis?
kenapa eppisode 8 nya belum
Kenapa drma ini tayangnya tu sminggu 1 ep sih?? Kn jdinya nanggung bget.. Mau nggu 2 ep klamaan.. Gk nnton pun pnsaran.. 😭 pdhal drma lain smua 2 ep..😑
menikmati proses pemecahkan masalah & juga menikmati proses menyiksa nya
kak, kenapa episode 4 belum rilis
Moving min