Sinopsis Drama The Matchmakers (2023):
Drama ini menceritakan tentang sebuah kisah drama romansa komedi yang berlatarkan dinasti Joseon. Drama ini menceritakan tentang kisah pertemuan antara janda muda Jung Soon Deok dan duda muda Shim Jung Woo. Mereka berdua akan berjuang untuk menikahkan empat gadis muda yang mewakili Joseon kala itu.
Drama: The Matchmakers/ 혼례대첩
Native Title:
Also Known As: The Wedding Battle , Marriage Battle , The Battle of Marriage , Wedding Contest , Sending Me to You , I Send Myself to You , Hoonryedaecheop , Neoege Nareul Bonaenda
Genres: Historical, Comedy, Romance
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 16
Aired: Oct 30, 2023 – Dec 19, 2023
Aired On: Monday, Tuesday
Ro Woon sebagai Sim Jung Woo
Cho Yi Hyun sebagai Jung Soon Deok
Kim Hyun Mok sebagai Kim O Bong
Kim Gun Ho sebagai Oriental Medical Doctor Yoo
Kim Yeon Woo sebagai Sim Myung Woo
Lee Sang Goo sebagai Sim Jin Ho
Huh Nam Jun sebagai Jung Soon Goo
Bang Eun Jung sebagai Gae Dong
Download Drama Korea The Matchmakers Subtitle Indonesia
Source & Encoder
No-drak-or.xyz, Dramaencode.art, Koreansubindo.net
Episodes 1
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Upstream | MegaUp | SendCM | Vidguard | LStream | Gofile | Gett.su | TeraBox | Mixdrop | Mirrored | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 2
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Upstream | MegaUp | SendCM | Vidguard | LStream | Gofile | Gett.su | TeraBox | Mixdrop | Mirrored | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 3
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Upstream | MegaUp | SendCM | Google Drive | Gofile | Mixdrop | TeraBox | Gett.su | Mirrored | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 4
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Upstream | MegaUp | SendCM | Vidguard | LStream | Gofile | Gett.su | TeraBox | Mixdrop | Mirrored | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 5
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Upstream | MegaUp | SendCM | Google Drive | Gofile | Mixdrop | TeraBox | FileLions | Mirrored | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 6
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Gett.su | Upstream | MegaUp | SendCM | Google Drive | Gofile | Mixdrop | TeraBox | FileLions | Mirrored | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 7
3360p (HARDSUB INDO): Krakenfiles | Mediaafire | Luluvdo | Upstream | SendCM | Vembed | Google Drive | Goofile | MegaUp | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | SendCM | Luluvdo | Upstream | MegaUp | Streaming
720p (RAW): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | SendCM | Luluvdo | Upstream | MegaUp | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 8
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Upstream | MegaUp | SendCM | Vidguard | LStream | Felemoon | Gett.su | Goofile | Mirror | Mixdrop | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 9
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Upstream | MegaUp | SendCM | Vidguard | LStream | Felemoon | Gett.su | Goofile | Mirror | Mixdrop | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstream | Hexuploaad | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 10
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Upstream | Mediafire | SendCM | Vidguard | LStream | TeraBox | Gett.su | Goofile | Mirrored | MegaUp | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediFfire | Sendcm | Upstream | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 11
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Upstream | Mediafire | SendCM | Vidguard | LStream | TeraBox | Gett.su | Goofile | Mirrored | MegaUp | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
Episodes 12
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Upstream | Mixdrop | SendCM | Vidguard | LStream | TeraBox | Gett.su | Goofile | Mirrored | MegaUp | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
Episodes 13
360p (Hardsub Indo): Mediafire | KrakenFiles | LStream | Upstream | vTube | SendCM | Vidguard | Gett.su | Filemoon | MegaUp | Filelions | TeraBox | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 14
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Gett.su | Upstream | SendCM | Goofile | MegaUp | Filelions | TeraBox | MixDrop | Mirrored | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
Episodes 15
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Gett.su | Upstream | SendCM | Goofile | MegaUp | Filelions | TeraBox | MixDrop | Mirrored | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
Episodes 16
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Gett.su | Filelions | Upstream | SendCM | Goofile | MegaUp | Filelions | TeraBox | MixDrop | Mirror | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Miirror | Upstreem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
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