Sinopsis Drama Korea Police University (2021):
Police University mengisahkan seorang detektif yang menangkap penjahat dengan sekuat tenaga dan mantan peretas yang menggunakan kecerdasannya untuk menyelesaikan segalanya. Keduanya bertemu di Universitas Kepolisian sebagai profesor dan mahasiswa, dan mereka bekerja sama untuk menyelidiki kasus bersama.
Yoo Dong Man (diperankan oleh Cha Tae Hyun) adalah profesor Akademi Kepolisian yang memiliki 20 tahun pengalaman bekerja di berbagai divisi sebagai detektif kejahatan kekerasan dan sebagai anggota tim investigasi dunia maya. Kang Sun Ho (diperankan oleh Jung Jin Young), penjahat komputer yang akhirnya menjadi mahasiswa tahun pertama di Akademi Kepolisian. Oh Kang Hee (diperankan oleh Krystal), mahasiswi tahun pertama di Akademi Kepolisian yang tidak memiliki kepura-puraan, rahasia, atau dendam. Dia cerdas dan pandai membuat keputusan, serta lurus ke intinya.
Drama: Police University/ 경찰수업
Also Known As: The Police Course , Police Lesson , Police Lessons , Police Academy , My Little Police , Police Class , Polliseu Akademi , Gyeongchalsooeob , 마이 리틀 폴리스 , 폴리스 아카데미
Screenwriter: Moon Jung Min
Director: Yoo Kwan Mo
Genres: Mystery, Comedy, Romance, Crime
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 16
Airs: Aug 9, 2021 – Sep 28, 2021
Airs On: Monday, Tuesday
Original Network: KBS2
Duration: 1 hr. 10 min.
Main Cast
Cha Tae Hyun as Yoo Dong Man
Jin Young as Kang Sun Ho
Krystal Jung as Oh Kang Hee
Supporting Cast
Hong Soo Hyun as Choi Hee Soo
Yoo Young Jae as Jo Joon Wook
Lee Jong Hyuk as Kwon Hyuk Pil
Seo Ye Hwa (서예화) as Baek Hee
Kang Shin Il as Seo Sang Hak
Song Jin Woo (송진우) as Park Chul Jin
Lee Dal as Noh Bum Tae
Download Drama Korea Police University Subtitle Indonesia
Source & Encoder
Dramaencode.co, Kordramas.net, Nodrakor.icu, Drachindo.com
Source & Encoder
Dramaencode.co, Kordramas.net, Nodrakor.icu, Drachindo.com
Episode 1
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesim | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Uptobox | BayFiles | AceFile | MediaFire | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | SolidFiles | MEGA | Uptobox | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
Indexsubtitle | Sub Indonesia | Sub English
Episode 2
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesim | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Uptobox | BayFiles | TusFiles | MediaFire | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | SolidFiles | MEGA | Uptobox | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
Indexsubtitle | Sub Indonesia | Sub English
Episode 3
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesim | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Uptobox | Openload | TusFiles | MediaFire | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | SolidFiles | MEGA | Uptobox | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
Indexsubtitle | Sub Indonesia | Sub English
Episode 4
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesim | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Uptobox | Openload | TusFiles | MediaFire | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | SolidFiles | MEGA | Uptobox | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
Indexsubtitle | Sub Indonesia | Sub English
Episode 5
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesim | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Uptobox | Openload | TusFiles | MediaFire | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | SolidFiles | MEGA | Uptobox | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
Indexsubtitle | Sub Indonesia | Sub English
Episode 6
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesim | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Uptobox | Openload | MediaFire | TusFiles | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | SolidFiles | MEGA | Uptobox | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
Indexsubtitle | Sub Indonesia | Sub English
Episode 7
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesim | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Uptobox | Openload | AceFile | TusFiles | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | SolidFiles | MEGA | Uptobox | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
720p (RAW): Google Drive | Mirror | SolidFiles | Uptobox | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
Indexsubtitle | Sub Indonesia | Sub English
Episode 8
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesim | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Uptobox | Openload | BayFiles | TusFiles | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | SolidFiles | MEGA | Uptobox | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
720p (RAW): Google Drive | TusFiles | SolidFiles | Uptobox | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
Indexsubtitle | Sub Indonesia | Sub English
Episode 9
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesim | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Uptobox | Openload | BayFiles | TusFiles | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | SolidFiles | MEGA | Uptobox | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
720p (RAW): Google Drive | TusFiles | SolidFiles | Uptobox| MediaFire | Zipyshare | Streaming
Indexsubtitle | Sub Indonesia | Sub English
Episode 10
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesim | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Uptobox | Openload | BayFiles | TusFiles | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | SolidFiles | MEGA | Uptobox | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Openload
720p (RAW): Google Drive | TusFiles | SolidFiles | Uptobox| MediaFire | Zipyshare | Streaming
Indexsubtitle | Sub Indonesia | Sub English
Episode 11
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesim | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Uptobox | Openload | BayFiles | TusFiles | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | SolidFiles | MEGA | Uptobox | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
720p (RAW): Google Drive | TusFiles | SolidFiles | Uptobox| MediaFire | Zipyshare | Streaming
Indexsubtitle | Sub Indonesia | Sub English
Episode 12
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesim | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Uptobox | MediaFire | BayFiles | TusFiles | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | SolidFiles | Filesim | Racaty | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
720p (RAW): Google Drive | SolidFiles | Filesim | Racaty | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
Indexsubtitle | Sub Indonesia | Sub English
Episode 13
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesim | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Uptobox | MediaFire | BayFiles | TusFiles | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | SolidFiles | Uptobox | MEGA | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
720p (RAW): Google Drive | SolidFiles | Uptobox | MEGA | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
Indexsubtitle | Sub Indonesia | Sub English
Episode 14
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesim | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Uptobox | MediaFire | BayFiles | TusFiles | Streaming
540p (RAW): Uptobox | Filesim | Mediafire | GDrive | Solidfiles | Racaty | Zippyshare | Mirror
720p (RAW): Uptobox | Filesim | Mediafire | GDrive | Solidfiles | Racaty | Zippyshare | Mirror
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 15
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesim | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Uptobox | MediaFire | Racaty | TusFiles | Streaming
540p (RAW/TANPA SUB): Mirror | MediaFire | Racaty | Openload | Files.Fm | Hxfile | MEGA | AceFile | Box | SolidFiles | Google Drive | Zippyshare
Sub Indonesia/ English | Sub Indonesia/ English
Episode 16 END
360p (HARDSUB INDO): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesim | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Uptobox | MediaFire | BayFiles | TusFiles | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | SolidFiles | Uptobox | MEGA | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
720p (RAW): Google Drive | SolidFiles | Uptobox | MEGA | MediaFire | Zippyshare | Streaming
Indexsubtitle | Sub Indonesia | Sub English
Jadwal tayang SENIN & SELASA Malam di Korea.
Iya. Aku juga cari crai drama lovers of the sky. Ternyata emang gaada. Kemana ni min?
Kukira aku aja yang merasa kehilangan drama itu
Min, tolong dibantu Ep 5 & 6 nya.
Filenya gak bs di download.
Min drama Lovers of the Red Sky kok tiba² gak ada min ?? Tayang senin-selasa juga kan ?? Di pindah kah atau gmna min
Sama aku juga nyari2 ga ada kmana ya…😩
Iya kok gaada ya
Aku juga cari itu
Episode 13 mana min?
Episode 13 mana min…
eps 13 mna min hua:(
Episode 13 drama Police University akan ditunda dan kembali tayang pada hari Senin depan, 28 September 2021. Hal ini dikarenakan ada hari Chuseok di Korea Selatan.
Hari raya Chuseok sendiri merupakan hari libur nasional di Korea yang diadakan selama 3 hari untuk memperingati musim panen.
Begitu ceritanya.. 🙁 🙁
Min sub indo eps 6 mna
Sub ind eps 6 donk
Sub indo eps 6 nya dong min
Hardsub indo eps 6 nya ngapa ga ada
Cha tae hyun , krystal bersatu sudah pasti seruuuu
Min kok eps 4 blm ada subtitle indo ny
Keren update Drakor nya ini website sangat cepat👍👍
Sukaa bangett🥰🥰
Mantab sekali ini drama…yang bilang jelek pasti ga waras….
Sunpah kerennnnnnn
Fix keren dan seru bgt drakornya padahal baru eps 2
Good Pokoknya
Sumpah ini drakor .rekomen bangt dah.. banyak edukasinya… Di tambah kocak .gak ngebosenin
Setuju dengan kamu…hahaha