Sinopsis Drama The Perfect Deal (2023):
Mengisahkan tentang Lee Joon Sung, seorang siswa sekolah menengah yang memiliki karier menjanjikan sebagai seorang pemain sepak bola, Namun saat berhenti berolahraga, hidupnya berantakan. Saat ingin memulai hidup baru, ia terlibat dalam kasus penculikan yang diprakarsai oleh temannya Song Jae Hyo.
Song Jae Hyo lulus dari sekolah menengah yang sama dengan Lee Joon Sung dan sekarang menjadi mahasiswa kedokteran. Ia sedang menghadapi krisis pribadi dalam hidupnya saat ini. Untuk melarikan diri dari masalahnya dan mengumpulkan satu miliar won, dia melakukan penculikan terhadap Park Min Woo secara tiba-tiba. Park Min Woo sendiri lulus dari sekolah menengah yang sama dengan Lee Joon Sung dan Song Jae Hyo. Ia adalah anak tunggal dari orang tua kaya.
Drama: The Perfect Deal/ : 거래
Also Known As: Deal , The Deal , Georae
Genres: Thriller, Crime, Drama
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 8
Airs: Oct 6, 2023 – ?
Airs On: Friday
Yoo Seung Ho
Kim Dong Hwi
Yoo Soo Bin
Lee Joo Young
Moon Yong Il
Download Drama Korea The Perfect Deal Subtitle Indonesia
Source & Encoder
No-drak-or.xyz, Dramaencode.art, Koreansubindo.net
Episodes 1
480p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Send | Filelions | HellaBYTE | Google Drive | QIWI | PixelDrain | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Send | Filelions | HellaBYTE | Google Drive | QIWI | PixelDrain | Streaming
Episodes 2
480p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Send | Filelions | HellaBYTE | Google Drive | QIWI | PixelDrain | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Send | Filelions | HellaBYTE | Google Drive | QIWI | PixelDrain | Streaming
Episodes 3
480p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Send | Filelions | HellaBYTE | Google Drive | Gofile | TeraBox | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Send | Filelions | HellaBYTE | Google Drive | Gofile | TeraBox | Streaming
Episodes 4
480p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Send | Filelions | HellaBYTE | Google Drive | Gofile | TeraBox | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Send | Filelions | HellaBYTE | Google Drive | Gofile | TeraBox | Streaming
Episodes 5
480p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Send | Filelions | HellaBYTE | Google Drive | Gofile | TeraBox | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Send | Filelions | HellaBYTE | Google Drive | Gofile | TeraBox | Streaming
Episodes 6
480p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Send | Filelions | HellaBYTE | Google Drive | Gofile | TeraBox | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Send | Filelions | HellaBYTE | Google Drive | Gofile | TeraBox | Streaming
Episodes 7
480p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | MegaUp | Gett.su | Upstream | SendCM | Filelions | Sfastwish | Mirrored | Gofile | TeraBox | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | MegaUp | Gett.su | Upstream | SendCM | Filelions | Sfastwish | Mirrored | Gofile | TeraBox | Streaming
Episodes 8 END
480p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | MegaUp | Gett.su | Upstream | SendCM | Filelions | Sfastwish | Mirrored | Gofile | TeraBox | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | MegaUp | Gett.su | Upstream | SendCM | Filelions | Sfastwish | Mirrored | Gofile | TeraBox | Streaming
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