Sinopsis Drama The Witch Is Alive (2022):
Tiga teman wanita, yang datang dari latar belakang yang sama sekali berbeda, menghadapi musuh yang ingin mereka bunuh. Gong Ma-Ri (Lee Yu-Ri) adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga dan dia memiliki kehidupan yang memuaskan dengan suami dan putrinya. Dia mengetahui bahwa suaminya berselingkuh. Gong Ma-Ri mencari metode alternatif untuk mengakhiri pernikahannya.
Chae Hee-Soo (Lee Min-Young) adalah menantu perempuan dari keluarga chaebol. Kehidupan pernikahannya tidak berjalan dengan baik. Dia merawat ibu mertuanya, yang secara fisik tidak sehat dan menderita Alzheimer. Chae Hee-Soo menanggung ketidakpedulian suaminya padanya dan dia juga mengalami kesulitan untuk hamil. Suatu hari, ibu mertuanya memberinya tawaran yang menakutkan, tetapi menggoda.
Suami Yang Jin-A (Yoon So-Yi) bukanlah orang baik. Kematian suaminya membawanya untuk mengumpulkan sejumlah besar uang dari polis asuransi jiwanya. Dengan uang itu, Yang Jin-A bisa menjalani kehidupan yang berbeda dari yang biasa dia jalani sebelumnya. Tapi, Yang Jin-A mencoba untuk melindungi uangnya dan menderita kecemasan bahwa uangnya akan diambil oleh seseorang.
Drama: The Witch Is Alive (literal title)
Revised romanization: Manyeoneun Salaidda
Hangul: 마녀는 살아있다
Director: Kim Yun-Cheol
Writer: Park Pa-Ran
Network: TV Chosun
Episodes: 16
Airs: Jun 25, 2022 – Sep 10, 2022
Runtime: Saturday & Sunday 21:00
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Main Cast
Lee Yoo Ri as Gong Ma Ri
Lee Min Young as Chae Hee Soo
Yoon So Yi as Yang Jin Ah
Download Drama Korea The Witch Is Alive Subtitle Indonesia
Episodes 1 (Fix)
360p (Hardsub Indo): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesfm | MP4upload | Zippyshare | TusFiles | SolidFiles | Uptobox | Hxfile | MediaFire | Racaty | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Solidfils | Mp4Upd | Streming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Solidfils | Mp4Upd | Streming
540p (RAW): Zipyshare | GDrive | Mediafire | Hxfile | Mp4upd | Racaty | Fast | Solidfiles | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episodes 2 (Fix)
360p (Hardsub Indo): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesfm | MP4upload | Zippyshare | TusFiles | SolidFiles | Uptobox | Hxfile | MediaFire | Racaty | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Solidfils | Mp4Upd | Streming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Solidfils | Mp4Upd | Streming
540p (RAW): Zipyshare | GDrive | Medifire | Hxfile | Mp4upd | Racaty | Fast | Solidfiles | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episodes 3 (Fix)
360p (Hardsub Indo): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesfm | MP4upload | Zippyshare | TusFiles | SolidFiles | Uptobox | Hxfile | MediaFire | Racaty | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Solidfils | Mp4Upd | Streming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | HXfile | Racaty | Solidfils | Mp4Upd | Streming
540p (RAW): Zipyshare | GDrive | Mediafire | Hxfile | Mp4upd | Racaty | Fast | Solidfils | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episodes 4 (Fix)
360p (Hardsub Indo): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesfm | MP4upload | Zippyshare | TusFiles | SolidFiles | Uptobox | Hxfile | MediaFire | Racaty | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Fast | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Racaty | Solidfiles | Krakenfiles
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Fast | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Racaty | Solidfiles | Krakenfiles
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Fast | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Racaty | Solidfiles | Krakenfiles
540p (RAW): Zipyshare | GDrive | Mediafire | Hxfile | Mp4upd | Racaty | Fast | Solidfils | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episodes 5 (Fix)
360p (Hardsub Indo): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesfm | MP4upload | Zippyshare | TusFiles | SolidFiles | Uptobox | Hxfile | MediaFire | Racaty | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | Fast | GDrive | Stremare | Hxfile | Racaty | Solidfiles | Krakenfiles
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | Fast | GDrive | Stremare | Hxfile | Racaty | Solidfiles | Krakenfiles
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | Fast | GDrive | Stremare | Hxfile | Racaty | Solidfiles | Krakenfiles
540p (RAW): Zipyshare | GDrive | Mediafire| Hxfile | Mp4upd | Racaty | Fast | Solidfiles| Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episodes 6 (Fix)
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstrm | Racaty | Solidfils | Krakefiles
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstrm | Racaty | Solidfils | Krakefiles
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstrm | Racaty | Solidfils | Krakefiles
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstrm | Racaty | Solidfils | Krakefiles
540p (RAW): Zippyshare | GDrive | Streamare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Krakenfiles
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episodes 7 (Fix)
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
Episodes 8 (Fix)
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
Episodes 9 (Fix)
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
Episodes 10 (Fix)
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
Episodes 11 (Fix)
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zipyshare | GDrive | Stremre | Hxfile | Upstream | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
Episode 12 (Fix) END
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Solidfiles | GDrive | Stremre| Hxfile | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Solidfiles | GDrive | Stremre| Hxfile | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Solidfiles | GDrive | Stremre| Hxfile | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
720p (Hardsub Indo): HellaBYTE | Stream | GDrive |Streamlare| Hxfile | Racaty | Pixel | Krakenfiles
Jadwal tayang setiap hari SABTU waktu Korea.
Semangat min tinggal 1 lagi sub nya
Sukaaa bgt drama ini.sebenernya temanya berat cuman karna Lee Yuri oenni acting nya selalu bagus.jd ga berasa dark.ngelawak bgt si ini setiap episode ada yg bikin ngakak 😭😭😁🤣
Kok lama sub nya Mimin ? 😑