Sinopsis In The Soop: Friendcation (2022):
In the Soop: Friendcation’, yang akan ditayangkan pada bulan Juli, merupakan spin-off dari ‘In the Soop’ dan menggambarkan kisah perjalanan Park Seo-joon, Peakboy, Choi Woo-shik, Park Hyung-sik, dan BTS V, sahabat industri hiburan yang telah menjalin persahabatan selama 10 tahun.
Setelah saran kejutan seorang teman, mereka memulai perjalanan persahabatan selama 3 malam dan 4 hari, mengungkapkan kehidupan sehari-hari yang jujur namun sepele dilucuti sebagai ‘aku’ mereka yang sebenarnya ketika mereka bersama. Melalui ‘In the Soop: Friendcation’, sebuah perjalanan khusus dari lima teman yang telah naik ke atas setiap kategori, mereka berencana untuk menunjukkan masa muda mereka lebih cerah daripada di atas panggung.
TV Show: In The Soop: Friendcation/ 인더숲: 우정여행
Judul lain: WOOGA Squad in the Soop , WOOGA in the Soop , In The Soop: Friendship Travel , In The Soop: Friendship Journey , In Deo Sup: Ujeongyeohaeng , Indeosup: Ujeongyeohaeng , In The Soop: Friendship Trip
Episodes: 4
Aired: Jul 22, 2022 – Aug 12, 2022
Aired On: Friday
Original Network: jTBC
Park Seo Joon
Park Hyung Sik
Choi Woo Shik
Download In The Soop: Friendcation Subtitle Indonesia
Episode 1
360p (Hardsub Indo): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesfm | MP4upload | Zippyshare | TusFiles | SolidFiles | Uptobox | Hxfile | MediaFire | Racaty | Streaming
540p (RAW): GDrive | Racaty | Mediafire | Hxfile | Zipyshare | Mirror | Solidfiles | Streaming
720p (RAW): GDrive | Racaty | Mediafire | Hxfile | Zipyshare | Mirror | Solidfiles | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 2
360p (Hardsub Indo): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesfm | MP4upload | Zippyshare | TusFiles | SolidFiles | Uptobox | Hxfile | MediaFire | Racaty | Streaming
540p (RAW): GDrive | Racaty | Mediafire | Hxfile | Zipyshare | Mirror | Solidfiles | Streaming
720p (RAW): GDrive | Racaty | Mediafire | Hxfile | Zipyshare | Mirror | Solidfiles | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 3
360p (Hardsub Indo): Google Drive | Mirror | Filesfm | MP4upload | Zippyshare | TusFiles | SolidFiles | Uptobox | Hxfile | MediaFire | Racaty | Streaming
540p (RAW): GDrive | Racaty | Mediafire | Hxfile | Zipyshare | Mirror | Solidfiles | Streaming
720p (RAW): GDrive | Racaty | Mediafire | Hxfile | Zipyshare | Mirror | Solidfiles | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 4 END
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | Krakenfiles | Safefile | Fastdrive | Hxfile | Acefile
720p (Hardsub Indo): Fastdrive | Hxfile | Krakenfiles | Safefile | Gdrive
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